Wednesday, March 14, 2007


It's a funny thing, love...

... it's a paradox. It makes no sense at all while at the same time it makes all the sense in the world.

If this doesn't make any sense to you then you haven't experienced true love. True love is the type of love that never stops growing. I grows and grows until you think that you can't contain any more and then somehow you do. You look back on the time that you felt that way and realize that it is nothing compared to the love that you feel now. And that just keeps happening over and over again until the first time you thought that thought it seems like a drop of water in an ocean, and eventually that ocean seems like a puddle etc.

God's love is like that, only better. His love is incomprehensible. Any type of love that we could ever experience on this earth pales in comparison the the love He has for us. We may sometimes feel like we are experiencing the full love of God but in reality it is just a taste of what He has in store for us. That is why shatters His heart to see the people in this world turning their backs on Him. He loves each and every person so much but we just snub him for some cheap thrills that only temporarily satisfy us when He is waiting to show us a love that never quits.


Peaches said...

That was very well put and you are so right. Thank you for the reminder.

The Mailman's Wife said...

"it seems like a drop of water in an ocean, and eventually that ocean seems like a puddle etc."....
What a beautiful way to put this Biff. It is very true. This is where we are to draw our examples from. God loves us more then we will know. The same thing will happen within your marriage...IF you so choose for it to happen. Of course it will not compare to God's love for us but by using His example you can learn to love your spouse/family in the same way. The love between husband and wife is most likely the closest thing we will get to understanding how God feels about us. I am excited for you and Peaches to experience this kind of love. However I agree, nothing will ever compare with the love of God. Well written Biff.