Sunday, March 11, 2007


I can almost guarantee that most of you right now are scratching your heads as to why my blog is called what it is called. Well, here is the explanation.

The title is actually a fusion of two nicknames (where did the term "nickname" come from anyway? Was the first guy to ever shorten his name named Nicholas or something?). Anyway, as I was saying, the title is a fusion of two nicknames. The first name, Biff, is my camp name (I do realize that most of you do, in fact, know this but this is mostly for those who do not know). I received this name my first year working at summer camp. At the camp real names are not used for safety reasons. If the campers do not know your real names, then neither they, nor their parents, can pursue/hassle you after the summer without going through camp administration, who in turn, usually "head them off at the pass" so to speak. I receive the name from my older brother who was also working at the camp that summer. I originally wanted to have the nickname that is the second part of the title, Jib, but it didn't seem to catch on.
Jib is the nickname I received in grade six from one of my friends. I really can't tell you where he got that from but that is what he called me. Anyway, I kind of liked it so I decided to use it as a three letter gaming name in those old school games where they only allow you to enter your initials for high scores and stuff. Eventually I began using it in all my games, even those that allowed you to input more than three letters at a time. So, in essence, I am the gamer, Jib; Biff, the gamer, Jib.

And there you have it, an explanation.


The Mailman's Wife said...

Hmmm, Glad I know the reason for the JIB part! Good reason to have nick names at camp too. I never would have thought of that! Glad to see you blogging! I have added you to my list of favorites to check! Love you!

Biff the gamer Jib said...

Good call. I want this blog to spread by "word of mouth". It's only been one day and I am already part of two blogger's lists. Spread the word.